Is voter ID a bad idea?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Gone but not forgotten.......

I have not posted a while. Why? Simply because I have been in the bows of depression. My life is great, I mean don't get me wrong, but the strength of our nation is weak. 2011 has gotten off to a rocky start, but over the past few months, it has reched the stage of being  a little more out of the norm. Let's start with  the media.

Before December 2010 could walk out the door, the major media tycoons decided that the presidential race was the "THING" to be covered. So as soon as January walked through the door, you could watch the major news networks pushing 2012 presidential race. How can they do this you ask. By making it a dog and pony show out of who may and may not be running. I was in disbelief myself but it seems it only took the potential candidates a second for the D C big wigs to catch on. So I tend to turn from the major news because of the attitude of our generation of people. Less people care about what a person stands for, and those who have a real following, get NO true coverage. Just look at how Herman Caine was overlooked for the first few months. But as of now, they have to mention him simply because he is making a lot of noise.

I can remember when our decent president made the promise of closing GTMO and bringing the troops home. Fast forward to today, and we have engaged in more wars and so called democratic freedom missions than we have in the past 4 years. I cannot call this strange becausae I have see worse. But I will call it unnecessary. Here we are, living in the nation that everyone envy's, well almost, and we have leadership who attempts to tell people that DEMOCRACY is what works best. Now, I am not against democracy, but in my most honest opinion, whats good for one nation, is not always good for the next. Our democratic process is full of corruption and relaxed leadership. So who are we to say we are top notch. Here are some solid examples. Iraq, and Egypt. Before Sadaam, things seem to be out of control. But since ridding him of his post and installing our DEMOCRACY, things there have become a bit worse than they were before. So it seems as though he had it under control in the first place. In Egypt, the people of a great nation united and marched and protested for the right of passage. The ending result is yet to be seen. Simply because they are still protesting. We were not directly involved with that process though. How can our leadership tell anothers to clean up their backyard, when we allow people to illegally immigrate into ours. And the cries of our citizens go unnoticed. It seems as though we are the ones with the HUGE problem.

Never in the history of my life have I ever seen a more worthless organization. Bad staff, even worse leadership, and some of the worst rules and ruling tactits I have seen this side of the Mississippi. TSA is supposed to protect us, the flyers of this great nation from terrorist activity via airplane. Yet, more security protocals and by laws have been installed into the machine to make a regular flyer feel like the war is against US. And lets not talk about the waste of money. Patting down an individual to the point of where they feel violated, then when they complain, almost nothing is done. What have we become as a nation. Law enforcement is in place and laws are as well for a particular reason. When those laws fail, and in this case they have, we have a bigger problem. Lives are at stake but privacy is one thing I feel everyone is entitled to. The "Don't Touch My Junk" sums it up best for me. No protection organization should be able to shut down anyone and not have to deal with our congress. That's like the Army or the Marine Corps saying they won't deploy. And our president accepting it. So Texas citizens. Do not let TSA threaten to shut down your airways. Fight until you cannot anymore. Demand more and get results.

Although they're not directly linked together,  the combination of the 4 equals a painful economic downfall when you add them all up.  The housing market alone helped spark a downward slop with a pitch that would make the olympic ski slalom a walk in the park. A housing initiative that was spearheaded by the Clinton Administration. This is less about party sides and more about right and wrong. Why would we as a nation give things to people who cannot afford them or qualify them.
We are losing sight of what our country used to stand for. Why? Because of the people we elect.

I am not one who claims to know it all about Wall Street, but the more I find out, the more I realize how much deeper the pool of political corruption and back door dealings is wide open. How is it that the financial market is helping steer this country more so than the people who live in its cities and help build it from within. I know trade and commerce is equally important, but somewhere in the midst of strengthening a nation we lost eyesight of what ole glory stands for. And the words, "MADE IN AMERICA" are becoming more and more rarely seen on our everyday products.

That leads me to the oil industry. Or shall we say the oil debauchery. Its up....its down. Its up again....then its down. Then its way up, cripling a nation at the pump, and we refuse to drill in our on home. I understand the natrual beauty of some parts of our nation need to be preserved. But the honest part of it to me is, how long will we continue to be strong armed by these oil rich countries when we have the same thing they produce right here. As I stated before. Made in America seems to almost be a curse rather than a gift these days. I would love to see that changed. But what will the price be. Oil bosses are allowed to adjust prices per barrel due to speculation. Is speculation even REAL? Or is it something created to confuse event he most knowledgable person on what this industry is actually doing. Then these producing countries cut back on production, which in turn, raises the prices. This is the short of a bigger article but I will sum it all up by saying this. This oil game is one that has got to come to a stop. Because citizens paying the price at the pump is totally unfair while these tycoons make the biggest profits they have in the last 10 years. The proof is in the books.

In closing I am going to say, when 2012 does get here, and we are faced with a chance to make history to elect someone who will change our nation. I encourage everyone reading this to go past the bright lights and cameras that the stool pigeon politicians sit on and research everything about them. Get a true understanding of who you want to lead this country before casting an emotinoal vote. The time for that has past. We need real leadership and real people in seats of power. NOT politicians who will play games to increase the share of power for their own side while ridding you of your most basic rights as a human being. This is a real life game being played ladies and gents. And we are pawns. As kings and queens of our own domicile's we must rise through this and move the trash to the curb where it belongs.

Make a vote that counts. Get in the know.
I will be voting for Herman Cain.