Is voter ID a bad idea?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cleaning up.......but where do we start.

Its obvious that the phrase, "Clean up your own backyard before you take care of someone else's", has taken an exit in the past 8 to 10 years. The days of Amercia taking care of Americans are all but gone. Today what you have now is a mirror image of what socialism can be if we do not take back what is rightfully ours. Although the form of social entitlements, TARRP, bail-outs, and blown budgets are all common issues, they are the main ones that are holding our nation hostage. In my opinion, the 3 areas that we can start at are simple. Tax code, federal pay cuts, and immigration. These are an odd 3. I agree. But it is these 3 in my opinion that are causing the most disruption in our current system.

Tax Code Remodeling

The current tax code today can be explained in one word. CONFUSION! How can anyone, let alone working citizens, keep up with the onslaught of wording that this document contains. Why are we living with this infectious code. The time for reform of this is NOW! How can someone who lives unemployed and puts nothing into the federal income tax system, receive income tax back. The system of checks and balances with the code, along with the IRS over watch is pitiful. Red flags on little guys, while the line crosser next door banks it up every year with every allotment possible. Who do we have to blame for this. The administration? No! This has been an issue long before President Barak Obama took office. But we were not this bad off as a nation then, as we are now. Unemployment is the talk of the town and people living in these towns only want one thing. The foot off their back and a chance to grow and get back to where they once were.

Federal Pay Cuts

This issue lies deep within me. Simply because if you are a PUBLIC official, and you are elected to an office by the taxpayers, how can you decide when its time for YOU to get a pay raise. Shouldn't that be left up to us. I mean we did elect you to the position. Do professional athletes tell owners how much they want to make or do they collectively bargain to an agreement? Why are we allowing this. While some are attacking wall street, and attacking an administration, WE should all be targeting and attacking these individuals we play. Our STAR athlete's in congress and our local government. This is truly a debacle. And at the end of the day, which city is growing the most jobs? The one with the host of high paid officials. Thats the equivalent to drilling for oil and selling it right out of your backyard, regardless of what the baseline price is. Letting this continue is like telling a child, "Hey, I know your cheating on your tests, but you gotta stop!" Do you honestly think without some sort of act of agression from us, that this will cease. No! And YES I said AGRESSION. We as citizens have been too dormant to what has been going on right in front of our eyes. But can you blame us. Not really. Simply because we have enough problems living our lives and making ends meet in one way or another. And for some of us that's by working multiple jobs. When the time comes, I would like to see an operation "CUT PAY" initiated into Washington. Because if they cannot perform the job, they most definitely don't need more money to make life a little easier on their living. I mean look at the other side of the equation. Some of us have REAL issues that it takes a pay day loan to solve. If you put that shoe on the suits in Washington, I feel a lot would change, including how politicians vote.


If you see something, SAY SOMETHING! Unless of course its dealing with illegal immigrants in your area soaking up jobs that you would do for more pay. In the past year, I have seen it all in regards to how our federal government likes to rule. State's literally have no power to make rules in their own house. This is rediculous. The day a state get sued by the federal government for taking a stance on what they would like in their state is something I thought I would never see. But Arizona made a believer out of me. They tell you as citizens, to get up and get out and vote. IF you want a change in the state or city that you live in. GET OUT AND VOTE. But if daddy FED doesn't like it, he will see fit that it gets changed ASAP!

I am all for immigration. As an African Amercian, I know for a fact that our presence in this great nation came by import from a land we called our home by force. But now we have the exact opposite. People leaving the nation they live in, to occupy ours, but still send finances back to their nation and loved ones to see them grow. It bothers me. Simply because if you want to be HERE and be apart of whats going on. There is a right way to do it. Jumping a fence and just occupying a city is not the way. And that used to not be a problem. Until now. The numbers are dumbfounding. To the point that African Americans are no longer the minority in this nation. Its weird. Meanwhile, I am seeing more spanish and more issues with people not being able to speak the language that our nation is based on. Its a double sided sword. On one hand you have people who are losing socially because they want to be here, but they go about it the wrong way. Then you have people who are watching jobs leave their home cities and states, simply because they can get away with paying someone less in another country. Furthermore, they can just hire someone and not document it and pay them whatever they feel like it. The immigration issue is a heavy one. And the states have to stand up and take control of it on their on. The federal government is not going to help. They only want the voting bodies present at election time, so why would they. Look at it for what it is. If your area is getting ready to elect someone to a new chair, make sure its someone that wants to solve this issue, not continue it.

In closing, the fabric that built our great nation, the blood sweat and tears from every man woman and child that walked a street or dirt roaod, is not dead. It is simply at a state of paralysis. We are shocked at what we are seeing and going through, and do not know which serpeant head to attack first. I urge you people, do not give up the fight. This nation WILL be great once agian. But for the moment, we must deal with the issues that are right in front of us, that are causing the biggest problems.

Just my opinion.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Clinton Laughs About Murder of Gaddafi-INFOWARS

Clinton Laughs About Murder of Gaddafi

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Kurt Nimmo
October 21, 2011
Secretary of State Clinton was unable to keep her professional composure yesterday when told about the alleged murder of deposed Libyan leader Gaddafi at the hands of al-Qaeda. She had a good laugh over the gruesome act.
“We came, we saw, he died,” she joked in between formal interviews.
Clinton’s remark is a take on Julius Caesar, who reportedly said after his war with Pharnaces II of Pontus: “Veni, vidi, vici” (“I came, I saw, I conquered’).
Paraphrasing Caesar is appropriate – the dictator took Rome from a republic to an empire. Like Caesar, Clinton’s boss, Obama, took the nation to war without consulting Congress or gaining the consent of the American people.
Clinton’s gleeful if ghoulish comment also reveals the degree of her psychosis. Most people do not laugh when told about the murder of others, even rivals. Clinton is unable to contain herself and displays her joy at the news of Gaddafi’s violent death.

Something is totally wrong with this picture. Can you tell me what that might be.?

Thursday, October 20, 2011


If you were asked to guess, what area of the United States would you say has the highest average income?  New York City?  Los Angeles?  Silicon Valley?  Well, would you believe that it is actually the Washington D.C. area?  Median household income in the region is $84,523, which is the highest in the nation.

One of the biggest reasons for this are the huge salaries being pulled down by federal employees in the Washington D.C. area.  According to the latest numbers, the average federal employee in the D.C. area brings in total compensation worth more than $126,000 a year.  Of course members of Congress are even doing far better than that.  Most of the members of Congress are millionaires, and somehow the vast majority of our politicians leave Washington D.C. far wealthier than when they arrived.  So if you want to live the high life, you might want to move to the Washington D.C. area.  Our “representatives” in Congress and the bureaucrats that work for the federal government are swimming in cash, and it is all at our expense.
Now I'm gonna stop right there and dive in head first on this one. How do the people, that we ELECT, and for the most part PAY, have a higher standard of living that we do. I will tell you how. By doing back door deals, shaving campaign funds and racking up donations from lobbyists and special interests groups to take care of them before us. How legal is this. By their definition its fine. But by ours. It is wrong. This is the equivalent to us, the citizens of this nation, being sport team owners, and our franchise player is getting paid by us and the team he is playing against to throw the game. Plain and simple. This is not right. And it needs to be fixed. I wish someone would have some descency to say, "Hey, what about the PEOPLE". I honestly think the shirt and tie gang in Washington does not care. SO in response to that. I urge everyone to share this article and make a plan to boot the in house representation OUT! They live knowing that they will never be relieved from their post. We as voting Americans have the power to move that mountain, and to place someone in office who will be fair, balanced, and believe that the citizens who pay the bill, their salary, and give that vote that they look for come re-election time, DO COUNT.

We have the power to move this trash out of our government sector. So let's do so. Starting today, I am calling for a " CUT THE CA$H" campaign to lower the pay in Washington. It may seem a bit BIG now but think about it. Even when our country has been doing it's worst, they have seen their pay INCREASE. Now who's playing fair. 

VIA Illegals WIN again!

Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S.

( -- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that under the administration’s policy of exercising “prosecutorial discretion” in the enforcement of the immigration laws, her department is currently authorizing some illegal aliens to work in the United States.
Napolitano said: “Well, senator, since around 1986 there has been a process where those who are technically unlawfully in the country may apply for work authorization. This goes to CIS [Citizenship and Immigration Services]. It's not an ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] or CBP [Customs and Border Protection] function. And those cases are reviewed by CIS in a case-by-case basis. So there’s no change in that process. Like I said, that goes back to the mid-80s that is contemplated now.”

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, asked Napolitano: “According to the information from your department, some individuals who are given relief will obtain work authorizations. So people with no right to be in the country will be allowed to work here. Is that correct?”
Sen. Grassley then asked, “But yes, some of them could have an opportunity to work here even though they are here illegally?”
“Well, that happens now, senator,” said Napolitano.
The three agencies she mentioned are all components of DHS.
Although Napolitano did not specify what 1986 policy she was referring to in her response to Sen. Grassley, President Ronald Reagan signed theSimpson-Mazzoli Act into law in November of that year. The act applied to illegal aliens who requested a change of status within 18 months of the law's passage and who had come into the United States prior to Jan. 1, 1982, and had resided in America since that time.
According to the latest figures from the Department of Labor, the nationalunemployment rate is 9.1 percent and the number of unemployed persons has reached at least 14 million.
In a June 17 memo, ICE Director John Morton ordered federal immigration officials to use "prosecutorial discretion" in deciding which illegal aliens to remove from the country.
The purpose of the “prosecutorial discretion” policy is to remove the worst offenders while releasing others, particularly victims of domestic violence and other crimes; witnesses to crimes; or people who are charged with minor traffic violations.
Sen. Chuck Grassley
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
“Exercising favorable discretion, such as release from detention and deferral or a stay of removal generally will be appropriate,” Morton said, unless the unauthorized alien poses national security concerns, has a “serious criminal history,” poses a threat to public safety, is a human rights violator or is involved in “significant” immigration fraud.
During Wednesday’s hearing, Napolitano mentioned that as a result of the “prosecutorial discretion” policy, the Obama administration will review “roughly 300,000” cases that are on the “master docket of what’s pending in immigration courts.”
“The goal” of that process is “to administratively close some of the low priority cases so that we can facilitate handling the higher priority cases,” said Napolitano. That indicates that some illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay in the country because their cases will be closed.
Although she did not rule out the possibility, Napolitano said that “absent unusual circumstances,” individuals with a final order of removal will not be eligible for relief once their case is reviewed.
Napolitano Immigration
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
The review process is intended “for cases that are pending that are clogging up the docket and preventing us from getting to the higher priority cases,” said Napolitano.
In defending the “prosecutorial discretion” policy, she told the Senate committee, “We can just remove anybody without any priorities and that would be one way to do it. Or the other way and the better way … is to say we want to focus on expediting the removal of those who are criminals; of those who are fugitives; of those who are repeat violators; of those who are recent entrants meaning within five years into the United States,” all of whom she referred to as “high priority” cases.
(AP Photo.)
“At some point in the process there needs to be decisions made about who is to be removed,” she said. “It cost in the neighborhood of $23,000 to $30,000 to actually remove somebody. That’s our cost, [it] doesn’t include Justice Department cost. The Congress gives us the ability to finance removals of 400,000 people a year.”
Napolitano pointed out that an “interagency group” is currently working on how to go about reviewing the estimated 300,000 cases. A “pilot” approach to reviewing the cases will start in “two to three weeks,” she said.
“The pilot is not going to be one of these 6-to-12 months typical pilots,” she added. “It will be very short, and it’s designed to find logistical issues that happen when you’re trying to do (a) massive review of lots of cases all at the same time.”
On Tuesday,  the Obama administration announced that it removed a record 396,906 individuals in fiscal year 2011, which ended on Sept. 30. That number is about 3,000 below the 400,000 immigrants that congressionally allocated resources allows DHS to remove.
The nearly 397,00O illegal aliens removed in fiscal 2011 includes 216,698 (55 percent) individuals who were convicted of felonies or misdemeanors.
In the course of today’s hearing, Sen. Grassley and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) accused Napolitano of inflating the numbers.
Napolitano subsequently acknowledged that the fiscal 2011 removal numbers include immigrants deported in fiscal 2010. The reason for that, according to the secretary, is that DHS waits until the individual is verified to have left the country before counting them as a removal.
Secretary Napolitano did not specify how many of the FY 2011 removals were from FY 2010.
However, Sen. Sessions said, “I’m told that ICE carried over from last year 19,000 removals and they’re counting them this year, and it’s sort of a gimmick to making the removals look higher than they are.”

Killed but WHY?

As of early this morning, the pentagon has released information and pics saying that Mommar Gadhafi has been killed. Along with video screen shots of a bloody torso
with a Gadhafi look alike this seems all but too real for us here at the Truth. Let's rewind the clock shall we. A few months back, the most wanted man in America was shot, killed, and laid to rest all within a week. No pictures were released to accompany the information though. Why is that? Could this Gadhafi killing be the make up that the federal government needed to put the public back in the seat of confidence. I think not. In my honest opinion, despite how the government felt, the pics of Osama Bin Laden do not exist nor have they ever. This whole retaliation from the terrorist for posting anything negative about him is a facade, in my opinion. So to post Gadhafi's graphic pics up for those of us who did not care whether he lived or died, makes no difference. We were not after him. I urge you ladies and gents to question authority when things like this happen. The federal government is on crisis watch and jumping into any situation that will distract us from their past errors at a moments notice. I urge you readers and citizens. Take notice to the moves and do not be fooled.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last MAN standing.....

Last night, it was just as regular as it could have been. To be honest, I do not see the need for so many debates, this early in the race. But the political media mainframe is working at its peak right now to keep us all entertained, if that's what you would like to call it, with the Republican Debate Circus. Watch the clip above.

So here we are, the race for SUPER TUESDAY continues. We here at Truth of Politics are still on "Bachman Watch" as we like to call it. Wondering how long it will take for her to just bow out and leave  the presidential race all together. And we mean this in no disrespectful way what so ever. She just simply cannot win. Making a great stand last night was Ron Paul. We give him the "Underdog Award". Why? Because every time the media counts him out, he finds a way back into the headlines and into the mines of voters. The ones that count that is. Never one to shy away from a good fight, Paul wasted no time in attacking Herman Caine on the 9 9 9 plan. Stating that the Federal Reserve was the real problem with Americans and the current state of the union, and partially, I believe that as well. Meanwhile, to the far right of the debate, the lonesome lady of the race took a little light of her own giving a spill about the mothers losing their homes. There's only one problem that we find with that. Its more than just mothers.
But I truly felt the political spin when she went into her well rehearsed speech telling the mothers of America to "HOLD ON" and that help is on the way. The attempt to capitalize on the mother at home with a vote, in my eyes, is lack luster. It is unnecessary and there are not enough of them to save her in the race for the republican nomination. If this was another time, and the state of the union wasn't as bad and hell stormed as it is now, she would be the perfect candidate. She has great views and opinions on a lot of the politics in Washington at this point in time. But, I must say, I called it 4 months ago. When the media turned up the heat on Bachman and her past and present, she cooked faster that a fresh egg on an open stove.

Ladies and gents, we need our FREEDOM returned to us as citizens, and the only person that is going to do that is a candidate that is not tied to the political underworld, that is willing to sell our soul, or our nation, for the forward movement of their political career. The candidate I feel that has that going for him right now is Herman Caine. Despite how some may say the 9 9 9 plan is full of infallible holes with the tax system, I can honestly say, he has a NEW plan that no one can touch. 8 months ago, Caine was a nobody in the political arena. And as we talked to associates and coworkers for months on end, we always said he would blossom into a front runner. Meanwhile, I think Newt Gingrinch is making a name for himself. Hanging tough with the rest of the field. He has seemed to avoid the laser of network criticism, but he remains low on the support pole. But I would not count him out just yet.

The R and M connection took time to blast at each other, looking like a small dog fight at times, it proved to be another entertaining point in last nights debate. Perry looked at times very good against Romney, but the latter half of the debate, it became obvious that Mitt is going to be hanging around a lot longer than Rick. Is this what the arena of republican politics is at this point in time. No one can say honestly, but we believe the circus has not reached its peak yet.

Although there is no perfect candidate in the race to become president, there are plenty that are qualified. Some chose to run, others chose to take a backseat and watch and hope for a new job once the new chief in staff is sworn in. Right now I hope to be cast my vote for Mr. Herman Caine. Simple because, its not politics as usual with this man. And to hear him speak and watch the networks go after him they way they do proves that he has something special that others don't have. This is not about pitting a black man against a black man in the race for head of office. Its about putting the right man in office to get the job done for our NATION! The nation everyone loves to hate but thrive to be a part of so much. This is not about wall street or the OWS movement. Its about Washington and gaining control of it. Until we put someone in there that can make the change NECESSARY, without all the political favors. This can be done. And we will continue to support the candidate that thrives to do so.