Is voter ID a bad idea?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Get the MONEY out of CONGRESS

It's Time to GET MONEY OUT of politics

Bailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry. Now, we’re turning our anger into positive action. By signing this petition, you are joining our campaign to get money out of politics. Our politicians won’t do this. But we will. We will become an unrelenting, massive organized wave advocating a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.
We are using our ability to influence media outlets as a platform to force this issue to the center of the 2012 elections.  We are using The Dylan Ratigan Show to build this digital wave, so join us.  As the petition grows, the wave grows. Email, Facebook, Tweet — GET MONEY OUT. 
From our former Washington Lobbyist, Jimmy Williams, here is a DRAFT of our Constitutional Amendment for public debate this fall:
"No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."
Here is Lawrence Lessig's DRAFT of the amendment. As always we would likeyour comments for debate.
"No non-citizen shall contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office. United States citizens shall be free to contribute no more than the equivalent of $100 to any federal candidate during any election cycle. Notwithstanding the limits construed to be part of the First Amendment, Congress shall have the power to limit, but not ban, independent political expenditures, so long as such limits are content and viewpoint neutral. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."
To double your impact, send to one other person.

Conman walking the streets of Jackson....BEWARE!

Via Jackson Jambalaya- Local attorney Jane Tucker sent me this report she wrote on her experience with Jackson's criminal justice system after a con man ripped off several car dealers last week. Enjoy.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Standing up for JACKSON!

From the CLARION LEDGER-Gov. Haley Barbour is pushing for the Department of Revenue to relocate from Clinton to the Landmark Center in downtown Jackson.
In a letter sent to lawmakers recently, Barbour said the location would save money and help support the capital city.
"Recent statistics show that Jackson's vacancy rate is approximately 27 percent - a figure too large to ignore," he wrote. "Leasing the Landmark Center will be an economic boost to Jackson by keeping the building on the city's tax rolls, as well as supporting growth in downtown business activities."
Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. supports the relocation, which could bring hundreds of state employees to downtown. As a former member of the agency once called the state Tax Commission, he said, "I know how important it is to have DOR services in the downtown area."
Now when I first read this, I thought to myself, how awkward. Furthermore I read the fact that really was beyond my reach. 27% vacant. WOW! I mean how is the BOLD, NEW, CITY surviving this. I cannot understand. But, through hell or high water, we are still a city that is on the rebound. There is still much to be done, but we are far from where we used to be. For those of us who chose to stay the course of this war to save our city, it has been a long one. Filled with empty promises, bad politics, evil politicians, and even an arrogant city council that felt it was ok to issue a $50 reconnect fee for water. Sidebar-I'm still rather PISSED about that one. 
For the most part, we have been making strides. Downtown is thriving again. Businesses are returning on both the corporate and the business side. Facelifts are being initiated for a lot of the infrastructure, and even the museums are throwing on a little paint and spicing up the decour. Our city, which was down on its last leg at one point with a vacating citizen count and businesses to match, has seen its worst day. Boarded up businesses that vacate an area several months after opening, dilapidated housing that stretched on for blocks and blocks; these are the grounds of abandonment that the city faced. Due mostly to rising taxes, high crime rate and poor job opportunities. When it comes to the story of those who have been there, and done that, our city has a HUGE trophy for playing an award winning role. I urge those who have been here and moved on to the outskirt counties of Madison and Rankin, to always look back and do not be afraid to come and pay us a visit sometime. If you see fit, maybe even come shop here and spend a little of your hard earned money. Lol! 

Although we have a rather stripped down shopping and entertainment complex, we still make strides with what is left standing. Those keystones alone are enough, in my opinion, to rebuild our once great city back to its former light. Keep this in mind always. What once was great, will be great once again. HISTORY PROVES THIS!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mississippi Burning-The REAL coverage

Killing caught on video

Mississippi hate crime?
Months ago, In our great state we had a sad case of racial hate come about. An altercation which left one man dead, and a few teens in jail. Sad, yes, but a thing of the norm here in Mississippi, NO! So let me give you the actual answer to the tuff question of is Mississippi still burning. NO SIR! We are thriving. We live like we always have amidst the larger states, wondering will anyone ever take us as serious as we take ourselves. In this case of the racial renagade vs the black man, I honestly feel like it was the worst thing that could happen at the worst time for us. 
The teen, Deryl Dedmond is accused of killing a black man by brutally beating him and running over him with a vehicle. All caught on tape by a hotel in which the victim, James Anderson was run over after being viciously beaten by a gang of teens from 2 counties over. Brandon, Ms is where the teens where from. After a long night of partying and drinking, the then high school seniors felt like they needed to find some "Niggers to fuck with!" Shortly after the teens embarked up the city of Jackson, because thats where the blacks live so to say, and commenced to attack Mr. Anderson. Beating him viciously and that ended when Dedmond hit him with his truck when leaving.

Dedmond, has had a history of issues with people of other races. He does not hide it nor do his friends. Even going as far as to make posts on facebook and threaten other teens for being "Black Lovers" is a thing of the norm for him. Brandon is a majoritiy white city. But its african american population is growing. It is a thriving city with great things going like less crime, good schools,  and more safety. Something ALL citizens look at as a staple when finding somewhere to live. This is a common thing throughout the nation. Minorities will move to somewhere they can feel safe in order to give their child a better outlook on life and a better education to ready them for the world. So I applaud this nationwide. BUT,