Is voter ID a bad idea?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Health of a Nation

Hello, and welcome to the Truth of Politics. A blog where I jump headfirst into the topics of our federal government, our nation, our problems, our wins, and our losses. We will all laugh together in joy, as well as stand together in pain, during this consistent onslaught of truth that I plan to deliver to you at least twice a week. I would first like to thank you for taking the time to view and follow my blog, and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask. But I'm not listening. LOL!

Up first, is the never ending debate on HEALTHCARE. In this blog I will give you my personal take on how I feel as a man, who has insurance by the way, and how I feel about this leash law of a bill that our congress pushed through and refuse to take back. Which is part of an even bigger problem. That's something I will get to in later blogs.

"So what's the big deal, I am required to have car insurance, why not health insurance as well.
This seems to be a new added logic that some people are throwing out there in support of this bill. Not saying that it is wrong but you have to look at the situation for what it is first, and furthermore, apply that ever so common word that 60% of Americans do not like to say or use. LOGIC! The constitution plainly states, that it is ILLEGAL to force one to participate in commerce. Car insurance is required because of the necessary protection of ones self, as well as others on the road who may be in danger when someone is behind the wheel. Moving across state line.  -COMMERCE- Healthcare is to protect me. NO ONE ELSE! Simply me. So if  one does not use it, how can you require that a citizen has it if they only get sick maybe once or twice a year. And most of the time that is nothing serious. Again, your body is property of you. You operate it on your own, at your own risk. When you operate a vehicle, you are on federal and state roads, and the appropriate rules apply. But requiring one to have mandatory healthcare, or be fined, is simply crossing the line and in violation of our constitutional rights as people of this great nation.

Another thing is the moral aspect of it. As harsh as it may sound, morals are not LAWS nor do they make a good ground for creation of one. True enough it is morally correct to cover your own ass, but if I do not want something, I simply do not have to buy it. Federal regulation or no federal regulation. Now let's not get all emotion as we all have in the past and continue to look at this with an open eye and even wider open mind. Just because one watches the hypnotize box, or the television, and listen to the same repetitive statements over and over again saying how good it is, does not make it more understandable. If you've ever heard the radio and you hear that new song, but you hate how it sounds, just remember, 3 weeks from now, you will be loving it. Simply because they will continue to play it and repeat it until you like it. Its called force feeding the product. IT WORKS!

Let's dig a little deeper shall we. Here is the logical part of the conversation. Turn of the liberal side of your brain for a moment. If the law was so good, and such a good idea, then WHY IN THE HELL ARE STATES SUEING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! I for one, am glad to see my tax dollars wasted on something that I feel is truly worth it, instead of cell phones for everyone, regardless of the fact they don't work or earn a living on their own. And you know what I mean. I am not with the GIVE ME MORE movement. LEECHERS! Now, with that being said, states are in an uproar for some reason. And it sure isn't because the federal government beat them to the punch. This law will send the books in some states into full reverse. That is not a good thing. Because if you have not looked at the state of our nation, everyone is doing bad. So to cook the books just to pass a law to get it into action is not a good idea. But the federal government did so with flying colors. These are the same people who sued the great state of Arizona for attempting to "MAN UP" on the illegal immigration problem in their state. Wait a minute, is that not what they are supposed to do? Its a states job to look out for its self as well as its citizens, even under the watchful eye of the overly regulated and ruled federal sector. When those of us who are footing the bill for those who are NOT doing things responsibly or correctly are punished by more rules and taxes, I feel that is totally unfair and there is a need to speak out. Especially when you look at the so called polls and they all read the same thing .NO! NO! NO! HELL NO! We do not want it, nor are we buying it. So the congress says, well.... we'll just give it to ya anyway. Simply put in two words. NOT RIGHT! And this is an ongoing problem in our system. We have to end the cycle.

In closing of my first entry into my blog I would like to say, our government is failing us. From the top down, and in most cases all the way across party lines. Our president, is misguided, but I applaud him for doing what he has. His agenda was strong, but it eventually will lead him to a one term presidency. So I would like to challenge you to first of all, READ! Do the research on the constitution and really attempt to understand it. A lot of people are misguided and misinformed. We have to get better and go above and beyond to get the necessary information that is out there for us all. It is plain as day and in black and white. But sorry, it does not lie on social gossip websites, or reality show sites. You will truly have to seek the truth on this one. I would like to take a page of  President Barry Obama's coined speech and say, YES WE CAN! As individuals and as a nation, take a stand for what we believe is right, and know is right, and tell the government to stay out of it. As well as our local representatives. The days of failing everyday citizens who foot the bill of your salary is soon coming to an end. Hopefully not in the way it is going in egypt. The people see the TRUTH and we are not buying it. Speeches and television time do nothing to cover that up.

Never be afraid to forget emotion, and morals, and apply LOGIC to EVERYTHING!

Thank you.

E. L. B.

For any questions or topics you would like for me to cover please email me at

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