Is voter ID a bad idea?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

THE BUDGET-To BALANCE or Not to BALANCE! What is the problem?

This week, we turn the page on another great week in american history. For the first time since 1995-96,  our federal government is walking the line of  a shutdown. What does this mean. Well we will cover that in a second. Let's continute on this walk. All of this clear and present danger is upon us for one simple thing. FAILURE TO BALANCE THE BOOKS OF OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Now in my eyes, and a few others that I talk to on a consistent basis, this is absurd. Not the fact that they cannot balance the responsibility of spending our hard earned tax dollars,but more or so that they cannont come to an agreement on what to cut or how much. And this stems from multiple reasons which I will cover. So let's take a seat shall we. I promise not to be too lengthy with you, but this is a talk we need to have and a lot of things we need to look at.

Paying what you owe

I once reported in college and raised my instructors awareness of our countries debt. At that time the round number was about $40,000 per person in the U.S. Shaking her head in denial and shock, she repeated to me that she never knew we were in such a terrible situation. Fast forwarding to current time, and now the current situation poses a per citizen amount of $42.026.00 That's an increase of almost $2,000 dollars in less than 10 years. WHY? Well we can go through a list of why's and how's but we will save that. This basically says that every individual in our great country owes $45k in debt. Even from the moment of birth. And this number some feel will rise over the next century. Where does it end? How can we get control of this?

There is not one good answer to this but to bring it to the table for debate is the most important thing. If we as citizens of this country can do it, then why can't the people we elect to represent us do the same. Its difficult to explain, so I have been told. I say, TRY ME!

Let's break down the numbers.
Total national debt: $13 trillionDebt per citizen: $42,026Debt per taxpayer: $117,982Total interest due: $1.9 trillionInterest per citizen: $2,211

Everytime I look at this, I get sick. Let's dig a little deeper shall we.

Now im sure no one is a math expert, but I'm pretty sure you do not have to be to see what we are up against. The spending habits of our federal government are out of control. Some of the problems are necessary, but for the most part, we are in danger of bankrupting. And this chart should make it very visable.
Let's take it a step further.

This should scare you. Well it scares me. Why? because it shows the lack of reponsibility by our federal goverment to balance the books. Simply put. We have been failed by the people we employ. And as a partial owner of this company. I am upset. Think of it from another aspect. Professional sports. When was the last time an owner paid the fans to come to a game or to just hang around and have a relationship with them. Seems as though our pro team is doing it. Not saying that in the business world that you will not always owe someone, but according to this chart, I feel like we owe too many people. At the end of the day I have to ask, what are we making and holding on to.


As citizens, I cannot say we are responsible for this. We only live here. But, it does lie on the shoulders of those ELECTED OFFICIALS which we have PUT into office. Here is the rundown on the current issue. Blame the TEA PARTY all you would like and their morals and values but these people have a point. The past election has put the current officials in seats of power that want to make a difference and do not understand the legislation of previous representatives. And that is the understanding of spending what  you do not have. Is it too much to ask for our elected officials not to do this. But here is the kick point of the shutdown. CONGRESS STILL GETS PAID! Is that totally unfair or what. The people who defend this great nation we are living in will encounter pay issues, but the officials who they voted for will not. I cannot defend that. How a body of government, that makes more than the average income American family, not come to an agreement of something as simple as spending. In my opinion. I have one word. ENTITLEMENTS!

Pork, Bad Bills, and Social Programs and more.

The score sheet reads pretty one sided when it comes to these areas. We have a social security program that is in the process of not being able to pay those who paid into it, and at the same time we have  system of entitlements that allow for people to live off of the SYSTEM, without putting anything into it at all. All this at the same time while LIVING COMFORTABLY! Screw the housing crisis. What we see everyday in life is affecting the now more so than ever. Let's add in the pork to this gumbo shall we. Ethanol, emissions, save the ANWAR area (if that's what it's called), electric cars, the end of drilling for oil in our own back yard, the list goes on. Why? Because the people who we have chosen to make the rules, are making it so that it benefits one body of people, instead of benefiting the masses. I have a few issues in all of this. Ethanol. Great idea, but bad timing. Why? Because at the current price of gas, the whole dream of ethanol has not lived up to the dream they created for it. The dream of clean energy. Fail! Why? In my own opinion, I can say that I feel like we are the only ones pushing the agenda on this. Yes wind and water are all great things to build energy off of, but at the end of the day, Its not enough to cover the current threshold of the amout we use at this day and time. Let's a little deeper. If the point is to create jobs and make a cleaner and more efficient energy burning world, why are the dollars we pay in taxes being spent to buy all of the technology from our friends overseas and not here at home. The screams of today's citizens are still falling upon deaf ears. Unresponsible spending has driven us to the edge of the cliff and we, are close to falling off. Can we be saved. YES! But its going to HURT in order to do so. Congressional rhetoric that we republicans were taking food from the mouthes of senior citizens is a lie. But it is what most of them do to fight back against something the do not agree upon. It is both unnecessary and sad. Especially when majority of the people fighting over spending budget, make more and are more well of than majority of the country. That is the tru insult in my eyes.

In closing I would like to challenge all those who read this. The time to stand up and make a difference is today. Not just in national government. But in local and as well as everyday lives. In order for us to make it out of this worm hole, some people will hurt, and some will not benefit as much as they have in the past. But to continue to throw money into things that do not work, and continue to do so in hopes of a magical resolution is irresponsible. Do not stand for political tactics of politicians to remain in office. Challenge the issues at hand. Push the envelope. Demand a difference. Or pick the proper person who can. And to the generation of now, your favorite musician is not the answer to the nations problems. Understanding of what world we live in today, and the issues that will effect you in the long run is of the utmost importance. Get and understanding. KNOW THE TRUTH!

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