Is voter ID a bad idea?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Killed but WHY?

As of early this morning, the pentagon has released information and pics saying that Mommar Gadhafi has been killed. Along with video screen shots of a bloody torso
with a Gadhafi look alike this seems all but too real for us here at the Truth. Let's rewind the clock shall we. A few months back, the most wanted man in America was shot, killed, and laid to rest all within a week. No pictures were released to accompany the information though. Why is that? Could this Gadhafi killing be the make up that the federal government needed to put the public back in the seat of confidence. I think not. In my honest opinion, despite how the government felt, the pics of Osama Bin Laden do not exist nor have they ever. This whole retaliation from the terrorist for posting anything negative about him is a facade, in my opinion. So to post Gadhafi's graphic pics up for those of us who did not care whether he lived or died, makes no difference. We were not after him. I urge you ladies and gents to question authority when things like this happen. The federal government is on crisis watch and jumping into any situation that will distract us from their past errors at a moments notice. I urge you readers and citizens. Take notice to the moves and do not be fooled.

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