Is voter ID a bad idea?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last MAN standing.....

Last night, it was just as regular as it could have been. To be honest, I do not see the need for so many debates, this early in the race. But the political media mainframe is working at its peak right now to keep us all entertained, if that's what you would like to call it, with the Republican Debate Circus. Watch the clip above.

So here we are, the race for SUPER TUESDAY continues. We here at Truth of Politics are still on "Bachman Watch" as we like to call it. Wondering how long it will take for her to just bow out and leave  the presidential race all together. And we mean this in no disrespectful way what so ever. She just simply cannot win. Making a great stand last night was Ron Paul. We give him the "Underdog Award". Why? Because every time the media counts him out, he finds a way back into the headlines and into the mines of voters. The ones that count that is. Never one to shy away from a good fight, Paul wasted no time in attacking Herman Caine on the 9 9 9 plan. Stating that the Federal Reserve was the real problem with Americans and the current state of the union, and partially, I believe that as well. Meanwhile, to the far right of the debate, the lonesome lady of the race took a little light of her own giving a spill about the mothers losing their homes. There's only one problem that we find with that. Its more than just mothers.
But I truly felt the political spin when she went into her well rehearsed speech telling the mothers of America to "HOLD ON" and that help is on the way. The attempt to capitalize on the mother at home with a vote, in my eyes, is lack luster. It is unnecessary and there are not enough of them to save her in the race for the republican nomination. If this was another time, and the state of the union wasn't as bad and hell stormed as it is now, she would be the perfect candidate. She has great views and opinions on a lot of the politics in Washington at this point in time. But, I must say, I called it 4 months ago. When the media turned up the heat on Bachman and her past and present, she cooked faster that a fresh egg on an open stove.

Ladies and gents, we need our FREEDOM returned to us as citizens, and the only person that is going to do that is a candidate that is not tied to the political underworld, that is willing to sell our soul, or our nation, for the forward movement of their political career. The candidate I feel that has that going for him right now is Herman Caine. Despite how some may say the 9 9 9 plan is full of infallible holes with the tax system, I can honestly say, he has a NEW plan that no one can touch. 8 months ago, Caine was a nobody in the political arena. And as we talked to associates and coworkers for months on end, we always said he would blossom into a front runner. Meanwhile, I think Newt Gingrinch is making a name for himself. Hanging tough with the rest of the field. He has seemed to avoid the laser of network criticism, but he remains low on the support pole. But I would not count him out just yet.

The R and M connection took time to blast at each other, looking like a small dog fight at times, it proved to be another entertaining point in last nights debate. Perry looked at times very good against Romney, but the latter half of the debate, it became obvious that Mitt is going to be hanging around a lot longer than Rick. Is this what the arena of republican politics is at this point in time. No one can say honestly, but we believe the circus has not reached its peak yet.

Although there is no perfect candidate in the race to become president, there are plenty that are qualified. Some chose to run, others chose to take a backseat and watch and hope for a new job once the new chief in staff is sworn in. Right now I hope to be cast my vote for Mr. Herman Caine. Simple because, its not politics as usual with this man. And to hear him speak and watch the networks go after him they way they do proves that he has something special that others don't have. This is not about pitting a black man against a black man in the race for head of office. Its about putting the right man in office to get the job done for our NATION! The nation everyone loves to hate but thrive to be a part of so much. This is not about wall street or the OWS movement. Its about Washington and gaining control of it. Until we put someone in there that can make the change NECESSARY, without all the political favors. This can be done. And we will continue to support the candidate that thrives to do so.

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